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Alberta North Zone Skills Day - Friday March 1, 2024. 

Introducing the Second Annual JJO Skills Event organized by the Alberta North Ski Racing Society(ANSRS). The goal of the skills event is to bring additional athletic value to JJO with no additional cost being added to the weekend. 

See below for the Skills Card (report card) and the Skill Instructions describing each skill, how stations will work, and the scoring used. The Skills Card will be printed for each team and their athletes (this will be their evaluation). 

Chad and Team are looking for 5 additional Development Level coaches and 4 parent volunteers to help organize the stations. 

Contact for further information at 


Schedule - Friday March 1/2024 

08:30 - Head Coach for each team meets at P4 to pick up skills cards and have a quick meeting. 

U6 will be on Schoolhouse U8 and U10 and U12 will be on Porteous.


10:00 - 02:45 - Clubs meet on Porteus following the schedule and proceed through the stations and evaluation. 


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